About Me

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West Virginia
When I started my retirement travels in 2009, I wanted a way to share it with family and friends as it was happening. Hence, "My Travel Journal". However I realized I wouldn't always be on a trip and wondered what to do with the blog in between times. My daughter pointed out, wisely, that travels can also include trips to the kitchen to try a new recipe, trips to visit family, trips to my neighborhood Starbucks, or a fun day trip with a friend. You're welcome to join me on any of these journeys! I've set up individual pages for each of my major trips (see tabs above).

Also, I have an Etsy shop where my current needlework resides. The last pieces I posted here were in 2013! So if you'd like to see what I have accomplished recently, go to (and I apologize for having to copy and paste):


I recently added an "Italian Word a Day" thingie which shows up at the bottom of every page. You see the word and can click to hear it pronounced. I've been enjoying it and I think my accent is improving as time goes by.

September 23, 2009

The Last of the Monday Pictures

Not much text this time but I'll introduce you to the different "parts" of the Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore (better known as the Duomo. There's the cathedral itself, with the big dome (cupola) on top and three smaller domes at the base of the big dome, then there is the baptistery which I have yet to find an explanation of what its purpose is or was, and finally, the campanile, a tall (also climbable, but not by me!) stand-alone tower. So, for instance, let me introduce you to the baptistery - a poor picture, but my first sight of it. And the picture on the right, is looking down the side of the cathedral towards one of  the little (in contrast) domes. Then the great dome with its magnificent "lantern".  And, finally, the campanile, So now you'll recognize them as you see them over and over and over and...I'm sorry about how many pictures I'm posting, but you don't have to look at them all - just start scrolling past when it gets too repetitious!!

And, now I start up the dome...until you start seeing more of these exteriors, I'll either be climbing, on the top or coming back down!

I took a real close up so you can see the people on top of the campanile probably taking pics of the people on top of the cupola.

Two coming down...

Now, some more campanile... We're nearing the finish line...

And a little more cathedral...

And the sun sets on one of the more glorious days of my life!



Christopher said...

WHAT a view! Wow... I'm glad you made the climb. I love the image of the tall tower (campanile) shot from the dome... it is so prominent and tall, above the low buildings...

Mary Lynne said...

I want everyone to know that it's Chris's fault I posted so many pictures of the cathedral...he's an avid searcher outer of cathedrals. And I'm glad I made the climb too, it was wonderful. I love the campanile too, it's I think about 50 steps higher than the dome (although I don't know that it's actually physically higher than the dome...I don't think it probably is). And, Chris, I'm going to have to bring home a special prize for you as my most active follower!

Christopher said...

Ooo... even more photos than when I checked in earlier...
I think you've bumped Florence up on my travel list, to the very next trip I feel I need to take...!

Nancye said...

Mary Lynne, Your pictures are wonderful, but I cannot believe you made that climb!! I could never have done it, but I am glad that you did and have the pictures to prove it. You sound like you are having a wonderful time and enjoying every minute of your Italian experience. Thanks for letting us share it some with you.

Mary Lynne said...

And then I'll have to be jealous of YOU, Chris!!

Hi Nancye, thanks for the comment. It's nice to know folks are checking on me now and then...

Unknown said...

Dear Mary Lynne,
These are wonderful and I'm with Jamie: your write up is so Mary Lynne it feels like being there and certainly makes one wish one was!! Don't know how you managed the climb with your bad ankle -- is it, being in the land of miracles, cured? My favorite also is the campanile -- it's so striking and startling to suddenly come to that beautiful tall tower. In the first posting, where the funny heads are in the museum room (interesting info about the Medicis by the way) what are the things hanging on the wall that look like huge platters or serving bowls? And are they ancient? They sure seem well preserved whatever they are. And do you spend half your posting time looking up the spelling of all these places? I know you're the spelling whiz of the family but I'd still be on the first day if I had to do all the street names and cathedrals -- adds to the "I am there" feeling tho, so thanks for the effort. Hope your day after the Duomo was a bit restful and will look forward to the next posting. Just for the record, I think I'm up there with Chris for numbers of looks but admit I'm slow with the responses. And keep telling us what you eat -- balsamic with curry? Who would have thought? Love, Chinch

Nancye said...

Mary Lynne, I have read every word and enjoyed every picture so keep it all coming. Your friends and family can enjoy a bit of the trip with you.

January said...

WOW! That view sure is something else, and the cathedral itself is just gorgeous. The ceiling of the dome is insane - does it just leave you sort of gape-mouthed when you see it in person? Holy moly. I guess the rule from now on is that, if there are climbable towers/domes/etc. you have to do it so we can enjoy it :)

Mary Lynne said...

There you are, Chinch! I'll have to take a look at the platters you mention and then will probably have to admit I have no idea. I do love all the names but when I describe a whole trek, I have my map beside me to see where I went. Strangely enough, the eating has not been all that exciting. It's quite good, but I've just been going to the same little group of restaurants each night cause they're close to the hotel and I'm so tired by then. Plus I seem to be just sort of leaking money out my poress so I try to be frugal although it doesn't seem to work very well. I had a plate of a variety of crostini (including one spread with a chicken liver pate) and they were all delicious.
at that same restaurant, that night I had gnocchi with a tomato, basil and olive oil sauce which was very good, but it was way too much to eat, so I was fairly miserable by the time I was done.
sorry, for such a long comment, I should have included all that in the blog, but I'm trying to get caught up!

Mary Lynne said...

Thanks, again Nancye. You know, I'm going to HAVE to get down to Florida and finally meet you. And, hey, I can blog the trip! :)

Jamie said...

Hey, ML! I'm so glad you are having such a wonderful time. The photos are amazing! Glad you got a new camera for the trip! The architecture is mindblowing! And the paintings and other artwork - incredible! I'm so glad your sister was as impressed as I was with your knowledge of all the streets and buildings. Even with a map I'm sure I wouldn't get them right! When do you move on to the next stop? Can't wait to hear all about it!

Anonymous said...

Ok, I am very disappointed to hear none of my comments have been posting. I had been using Name/URL option and I guess that doesn't work. So just signed up for Google account. Is this getting through? Sorry you missed all my comments to each of your days. I was very worried about your ankle injury.

I am really enjoying the posts and LOVE the pictures. Florence is as I remember it - gorgeous, though I saw far less of it than you have. So no Bologna? Does that mean no cooking class?

Love you...hope this one made it to you.

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