Of the two, right now, the black beans one was probably the front runner. I made that one because I love beans and rice in all sorts of ways and because since it was the recipe from the writer's college days, he used canned beans (which I tend to distrust) so I was interested to see how it would turn out. And I was really surprised - there is hardly any seasoning in this recipe so what I was tasting was very much black beans and they were quite delicious.
The Salsa Rosa sounds Mexican (as the writer points out) but it is a recipe he picked up while in Italy. I want to make it again with several changes because it was good, but I think it could be better, and I'm not sure, but I think it could come very close to being the tomato sauce that seemed to be served on every pasta dish my husband and I ordered at the cheap little trattorias where we ate during our 9-day stay in Rome forty-one years ago! I have always remembered that sauce and wished I could figure out how it was made. It was very creamy, but still tomato-y and just very, very good - totally different from American Italian spaghetti sauce. Mind you, I love my spaghetti and meatballs recipe (I'll have to post that sometime too) and so does everyone else, but this Rome sauce was a whole new idea.
And before I post my pictures of these two dishes, I'm going to post the address for Chris's (my son) gallery on BetterPhoto and then everyone can wonder how in the world I have the nerve to post my pictures. But we can't all be stellar photographers! My dad was an "amateur" photographer with his own darkroom, etc., and my sister and I still have a lot of his really wonderful photographs, so I guess Chris comes by it naturally. Anyway, here is the address for his gallery: http://www.betterphoto.com/gallery/gallery.asp?mem=136794.
And, here are my pics of the two recipes:

Bon appetit!
1 comment:
Mmm, I wish we had the technology to smell these pictures, cuz that saute pan of onion and garlic makes my mouth water...
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