About Me

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West Virginia
When I started my retirement travels in 2009, I wanted a way to share it with family and friends as it was happening. Hence, "My Travel Journal". However I realized I wouldn't always be on a trip and wondered what to do with the blog in between times. My daughter pointed out, wisely, that travels can also include trips to the kitchen to try a new recipe, trips to visit family, trips to my neighborhood Starbucks, or a fun day trip with a friend. You're welcome to join me on any of these journeys! I've set up individual pages for each of my major trips (see tabs above).

Also, I have an Etsy shop where my current needlework resides. The last pieces I posted here were in 2013! So if you'd like to see what I have accomplished recently, go to (and I apologize for having to copy and paste):


I recently added an "Italian Word a Day" thingie which shows up at the bottom of every page. You see the word and can click to hear it pronounced. I've been enjoying it and I think my accent is improving as time goes by.

September 29, 2019

Sunday and a lovely day

But before I forget, if anyone knows how I can post a video here (like I tried to do on the Moving Day post and I got it on the blog but nothing happens when you tap the arrow), maybe like Chris or January - you must do videos, right?  And if necessary, I could post it to YouTube and then somehow you can copy the address and put that in the blog.  I've even done it before but I don't remember how.  Anyway, a pitiful plea for help is extended.

And for those of you who read my usually very lengthy blogs you will be happy to know that this will mostly be photos with minimal explanation because they don't need explanation. So consider this a Sunday treat. :)

This first photo is one I found in my phone that I took after my Michelin star restaurant dinner.  I was near the river and all the tables were filled with people enjoying themselves in this beautiful setting and beautiful night.  A very nice finish to the meal.

And I was told to report on that meal so I will have to write more than I thought! :)  Sorry...  First came an amuse bouche. A teeny tiny tasty (very) tart with a carrot the middle one was a pate, and the last one was an onion flan.  Each one was just really scrumptious. But then they brought more food. Some peasant type bread and a big clump of butter. Then a little round disc of bread that had been skillet fried I think, because it wasn’t greasy on top. And THEN came a small shallow bowl of I know not what with one dark crouton sitting in the center and it was pretty much heaven on a spoon. 

By the way anything they served that was hot came on hot plates. 

Then came the first thing I actually ordered. A mushroom soup with I think porcini mushrooms and finely chopped nuts -again delicious. And lastly I ordered what they called a lake fish because it was from a lake. ðŸ˜‰  and when it came I really thought I couldn’t eat more than 2 bites but instead I ate about 2/3 of the filet.  So there you have it. A one star Michelin dinner prepared by Burgundy Lounge and eaten (as much as possible) by Mary Lynne Simpson. Oh and the fish came with a sauce that had vermouth in it and was just melt in your mouth tender with no fishy taste at all.. 

And the night before I had gone to a pizza place and got a free appertif whiich was made with casis, so two new liquors. 

Back to today - Sunday - I spent the morning finishing organizing my unpacking and then went to check out how the laundromat worked and how much coinage I would need.  I had every intention of getting it done today but that didn't happen.  It was just so nice out that I decided to walk to the bus station (a lengthy walk) and see if that's where I would buy my tickets for out of town jaunts and no, it wasn't.  So I stopped on the way back towards the hotel and had a sort of ghastly sandwich - I don't know why I keep getting them.  They sit wrapped up in saran for however long and they have no condiments on them.  Anyway, then i walked the rest of the way home, stopped at a little market and got some yogurt and cereal, took them "home" and went back out and headed toward my first view of the Duomo.

So NOW the (random) pictures...

Every time I'm here I take the same route so I can turn the corner and get whammed by the wonder of it. It's hard to imagine how huge it is and how solidly it sits there.  But I'm probably less than a block and a half away from it and those little teensy people are right in front of it and the main reason they look so teensy is because of the immensity of the building.

I celebrated the first view with Prosecco and delicious little tidbits.  At some point I asked the woman sitting at the table beside mine if she knew where all the pink t-shirts could be purchased.  I had already found out that they were for breast cancer awareness and I'll bet I saw at least 500 people maybe more wearing them and I wanted one.  My first question though was could she speak English and she told me very proudly that yes, she spoke excellent English - repeated that a couple of times and  she was right - she did.  She told me it was because she had spent 3 months in NYC and 3 months in Boston for some course she took.  But it was kind of cute because we talked for a while and I always could understand her perfectly but when I would respond she didn't understand really what I was saying.  She would respond back but basically with the same thing she had just said.  But I'm not making fun - she certainly spoke English better than I speak Italian!

Then I decided to walk down to the river and took off.  I gathered up cards from four nice looking restaurants and took a few pictures here and there.  

Does your living room need a pick-me-up?  I think the huge white head could be very effective. 
 And this is a little shop that sells etchings and also has a sign offering classes in etchings and I think probably lets the best of the student work be for sale too at a much lower price than the shop's. And the pic below is just to remind me what it is they DO sell.

When I first walked past this restaurant kitchen nothing was happening but by the time I walked back the chef was busy at two stoves.  Here I think he was making something like dumplings maybe because he kept  dropping fairly big spoonfuls of batter into the pot.  That's a haunch of proscuitto ham in the window.
 All the fresh seasonings and now he's at work at the other stove and what very little I could see of what he was stirring reminded me of the ribollita soup I had last night.

 Like the price of that prosecco!
One of the restaurants I think I'll try...


Chris B. said...

Ah, the Duomo! Yeah, you’d never get tired of seeing it burst into view around a corner...! Lovely, lovely!
Are you entertaining the idea of another visit to the Duomo museum, for that wonderful little rooftop terrace that looks right onto the dome?
I hope you got the bus stuff sorted, and can take a few of your day trips...
how neat to have a big window into a working kitchen from the street... did the chef’s work motivate you to consider dining there?
Love, -C

Mary Lynne said...

Chris - you'll be pleased and impressed, I'm sure, to know that I already have one day trip scheduled to Prato and then, of course, the wine tour which is Thursday. I will probably schedule at lease one more day trip and there's a concert in Florence (at night I assume) that I might check into to see how horribly expensive it would be. It's one probably geared towards tourists because it's all very well-known and easy to listen to music - Pachelbel's "Canon", Bach's "Air", Mozart's "A Little Night Music" and Vivaldi's "The Four Seasons".
It's being held in one of the first churches built in Florence so not sure what that does for the acoustics but....The handout says it was passed to the Austinians in 1585 so it is truly ancient. I'll look for it and see if I've seen it before - I feel like I have...

Chris B. said...

Huh! What a small world -- during my trip to Austria 3 weeks ago, John & David went off to a Vivaldi Four Seasons concert. Then, this past Saturday, I attended a Vivaldi Four Seasons concert held at the cathedral (a ticket I'd purchased before Austria.) It was remarkable; the lead violinist played the entire concert from memory, of course, and she was spectacular.
So, it seems it is your turn to attend a concert featuring that music ;)
Enjoy the trips (and the wine!)

January said...

Hooray for Florencee and the Duomo! I am looking forward to all of your Florence stories. Even if they are just reams of pictures, or just a couple pictures, or whatever. I'm just happy you're there, because you do love it so much. I love you!

Unknown said...

It is such a gorgeous duomo! So, explain that well....is it in the hotel at which you are staying or in their courtyard or something? Interesting... Sounds like you had another splendid day in Italy and so nice that it was sanz sprained ankles or crying in a side street :) The concert sounds like it will be amazing - you'll have to be sure to share some detail on that. Those apartments do look lovely - perhaps if we hit the lotto this year??? xxx ooo Heather

Lunch buddy said...

Wow that meal sounds impressive! Nothing my 5 year old palate would eat but impressive none the less.

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